22 research outputs found

    Una relectura mítica sobre la violencia en La forma del agua

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    By means of a phenomenological-hermeneutical methodology, the concepts ‘silence’ and ‘violence’ in the film The shape of water by Guillermo del Toro and in the short story ‘Cupid and Psyche’ by Apuleius are analyzed. This comparative study supports on the myth and some fairy-tales topics proposed by Vladimir Propp. Water is considered the symbolical element that allows uniting dichotomic elements: good/evil, sacred/profane, hero/villain. Finally, it is explained how in the film the neo-Platonic schema love-soul-knowledge takes a resignification as it adapts to contemporary culture, thus becomes an ethical invitation to accept differences.Mediante una metodología fenomenológico-hermenéutica se analizan los conceptos ‘silencio’ y ‘violencia’ en la obra cinematográfica The shape of water, de Guillermo del Toro, y en el relato “Eros y Psique”, de Apuleyo. Este estudio comparativo se fundamenta en el mito y en algunos tópicos del cuento de hadas propuestos por Vladimir Propp. El agua es considerada el elemento simbólico que permite la unión de elementos dicotómicos: bien/mal, sagrado/profano, héroe/villano. Finalmente, se explica cómo en el filme el esquema neoplatónico amor-alma-conocimiento adquiere una resignificación al adaptarse a la cultura contemporánea, convirtiéndose en una invitación ética para aceptar las diferencias

    Turkey Buzzard Project

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    The goal of this project is to engage high schools students in the research process as well as in the invention process. In a partnership among Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), Broward County Aviation Division (BCAD), and Northeast High School, a team of teachers will advise student inventors through producing a working invention in response to a real-world problem. The invention will solve or attempt to solve the turkey buzzard problem near the airports in South Florida. In the fall and winter of 2020-2021, turkey buzzards caused millions of dollars in damages to aircrafts in local air space. This year-long project will involve students learning the fundamentals of innovation/invention, the technology and processes needed to approach and solve the turkey buzzard issue, as well as problem-solving, communication, and financial budgeting skills. In addition, students will collaborate with each other to develop feasible solutions to the issue and communicate their products to a group of industry experts. Three surveys will be conducted throughout this project to assess student interests and any change in STEM and invention ideologies through this project. The results from this project will help determine the viability of such projects/programs and partnerships and lay the foundations for developing a guide or framework for future projects at the secondary level. Using the engineering design cycle and invention protocols, students will first formulate solutions in small groups according to an invention protocol. They will then present their proposals to a panel of experts, and receive feedback and advice. After going to the panel, the panel will rate the proposal(s) that are most feasible, and the group will work on the solution. The students will then ideate, create a model or solution, test it, iterate, prototype, and test again. The end-goal is to create a working solution, whether a prototype or process, with the enlistment of the community, both local, academic, industrial, and the larger county and aviation community


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    El trabajo se realizó en el tramo comprendido entre el peaje y la silla en la cayeria norte de la provincia de Ciego de Ávila con la premisa de colocar los muros de escolleras correctamente y todos los elementos básicos para aplicarlas en todas las obras viales de todos los territorios teniendo como proposición las características físico -química de las rocas que servirán como refuerzo protector en los muros de escolleras, además se destacan las características de las cimentaciones donde se va a realizar el trabajo que necesariamente servirán de protección adecuada a cualquier tipo de obra vial incluyendo obras marítimas en cuestión, además se realizaron controles característicos para los diferentes muros de escolleras que se pueden ejecutar en cualquier tipo de obra vial, además se tuvo en cuenta la sección transversal de muros que debe estar constituida por bloques del mismo uso granulométrico.Finalmente planteamos necesidades y aspectos a controlar en cada muro de escollera que estribarán factores específicos relativos a su ubicación, etapas constructivas, importancia y geometría de la obra, etc. Las recomendaciones definen los principales aspectos y objetos de control durante la construcción del muro, así como durante su vida útil

    Diagnostico Financiero de la Empresa Ecopetrol S.A

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    Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la situación financiera de Ecopetrol S.A, verificando sus indicadores y las estrategias competitivas utilizadas por la organización dentro de esta investigación siendo realizada con carácter descriptivo, basado en un diseño de documental, donde nos enfocamos en describir las estrategias que tuvo para competir en el mercado internacional del petróleo, que es sin lugar a dudas, uno de centros de negocio con mayor convergencia comercial y por ende económica en todo el mundo. Los periodos a analizar corresponden a los años 2017/2018/2019, donde nos adentraremos en los contextos de los mercados financieros con sus respectivos instrumentos y herramientas que pueden generar buenas prácticas en el manejo de sus recursos, a través de la administración de flujos de efectivo, monitoreo de los gastos y costos, diversificación de los portafolios y demás prácticas en pro de la generación del valor. Entre las estrategias utilizadas por Ecopetrol podemos señalar, que el principal era el de no dejar de generar utilidades, y de esta forma mantenerse fuerte en el mercado internacional, objetivos trazados de manera muy eficiente, dando como resultado la retribución de recursos a sus accionistas de manera positiva, aunque el mercado mundial no lo permitiera hacer, debido a la fluctuación de los precios del petróleo a nivel mundial, como también la desaceleración en la demanda de este recurso de los hidrocarburos. De otro lado, la toma de decisiones enfocadas a la parte financiera, es convertida en papel fundamental en cualquier momento en especial en el del apalancamiento financiero como operativo, la inversión, la negociación y la búsqueda de coberturas; siempre tratando de mitigar riesgo de pérdidas y lograr un beneficio económico. En relación con el análisis de Instrumentos Financieros, se buscar realizar mediciones dentro del objeto de estudio, identificando sus registros contables de acuerdo a los resultados generados incluido perdida o ganancia, de acuerdo a su clasificación como activos financieros, pasivos financieros e instrumentos de patrimonio. En conclusión, dentro de los objetivos específicos se logrará caracterizar los instrumentos de inversión, financiación, negociación y cobertura que maneja la compañía y de esta forma buscar tanto las deficiencias limitaciones y recomendaciones que se encuentren en el desarrollo de la actividad ya que de esta forma las organizaciones que cotizan en bolsa miden su impacto e influencia en la economía global; mediante sus operaciones y resultados, reflejando en gran medida, la sanidad y bonanza de las cuentas fiscales de la nación. brindando información si la empresa fue efectiva y eficiente en la obtención de resultados.The objective of this work was to analyze the financial situation of Ecopetrol SA, verifying its indicators and the competitive strategies used by the organization within this investigation, being carried out on a descriptive basis, based on a documentary design, where we focused on describing the strategies it had. to compete in the international oil market, which is undoubtedly one of the business centers with the greatest commercial and therefore economic convergence throughout the world. The periods to be analyzed correspond to the years 2017/2018/2019, where we will delve into the contexts of the financial markets with their respective instruments and tools that can generate good practices in the management of their resources, through the administration of cash flows. cash, monitoring of expenses and costs, diversification of portfolios and other practices in favor of the generation of value. Among the strategies used by Ecopetrol we can point out that the main one was to not stop generating profits, and in this way to remain strong in the international market, objectives set very efficiently, resulting in the retribution of resources to its shareholders of in a positive way, although the world market did not allow it to do so, due to the fluctuation of oil prices worldwide, as well as the slowdown in the demand for this hydrocarbon resource. On the other hand, decision-making focused on the financial part, is converted into a fundamental role at any time, especially in that of financial and operational leverage, investment, negotiation and the search for coverage; always trying to mitigate the risk of losses and achieve an economic benefit. In relation to the analysis of Financial Instruments, it will seek to make measurements within the object of study, identifying their accounting records according to the results generated including loss or gain, according to their classification as financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments. In conclusion, within the specific objectives, it will be possible to characterize the investment, financing, negotiation and hedging instruments that the company manages and in this way look for both the deficiencies, limitations and recommendations that are found in the development of the activity since in this way publicly traded organizations measure their impact and influence on the global economy; through its operations and results, largely reflecting the health and prosperity of the nation's fiscal accounts. providing information if the company was effective and efficient in obtaining results

    Modelo de Datos EGA

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    Fil: Pedreira Júnco, Juan Ángel. SADIM: Sociedad Asturiana de Diversificación Minera; España.Fil: Ferpozzi, Federico Javier. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales. Área de Sensores Remotos y SIG; Argentina.Fil: Candaosa, Norberto Gabriel. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales. Área de Sensores Remotos y SIG; Argentina.Fil: Avanzas, Rubén. SADIM: Sociedad Asturiana de Diversificación Minera; España

    Axonal Guidance Using Biofunctionalized Straining Flow Spinning Regenerated Silk Fibroin Fibers as Scaffold

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    After an injury, the limited regenerative capacity of the central nervous system makes the reconnection and functional recovery of the affected nervous tissue almost impossible. To address this problem, biomaterials appear as a promising option for the design of scaffolds that promote and guide this regenerative process. Based on previous seminal works on the ability of regenerated silk fibroin fibers spun through the straining flow spinning (SFS) technique, this study is intended to show that the usage of functionalized SFS fibers allows an enhancement of the guidance ability of the material when compared with the control (nonfunctionalized) fibers. It is shown that the axons of the neurons not only tend to follow the path marked by the fibers, in contrast to the isotropic growth observed on conventional culture plates, but also that this guidance can be further modulated through the biofunctionalization of the material with adhesion peptides. Establishing the guidance ability of these fibers opens the possibility of their use as implants for spinal cord injuries, so that they may represent the core of a therapy that would allow the reconnection of the injured ends of the spinal cord.Unidad Docente de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación de EspañaComunidad de Madrid (España)Banco Santander (España)Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)pu

    Paspalum notatum growth and pigment content in response to the application of herbicides

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    A grama batatais (Paspalum notatum) é uma poacea, resistente ao pisoteio, restrição hídrica e baixa fertilidade do solo, porém, exige cortes frequentes para eliminar o excesso de biomassa produzido. Para inibir o crescimento dos gramados e evitar ou retardar a operação de corte, têm sido testados reguladores de crescimento e herbicidas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de três herbicidas como reguladores de crescimento em grama batatais, e sua influência no crescimento e teor de pigmentos cloroplastídicos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três herbicidas (glyphosate, isoxaflutole e tembotrione) e cinco doses (0, 68, 136, 272, 544 g e.a. ha-1; 0, 24, 48, 96, 192 g i.a. ha-1 e 0, 13, 26, 52, 104 g i.a. ha-1), respectivamente, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas as características, fitointoxicação, massa seca, altura do gramado e teor de pigmentos cloroplastídicos. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância e, quando constatada significância, foi realizado o teste de regressão até segundo grau separadamente para cada herbicida. Os herbicidas demonstram eficiência no controle do porte do gramado, no entanto, constata-se efeito fitotóxico com o incremento das doses e o prejuízo no o aspecto estético do gramado. O isoxaflutole possui maior potencial para ser utilizado com redutor de crescimento para a grama batatais, devido à baixa dose necessária para reduzir a altura e a pouca fitointoxicação. O teor de pigmentos cloroplastídicos é alterado de maneira singular por cada herbicida utilizado, e têm relação direta com a massa seca das folhas.Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) is a poacea resistant to trampling, water restriction and low soil fertility; however, it requires frequent cutting to eliminate the biomass excess it produces. To inhibit the growth of turfs and to avoid or delay cutting, growth regulators and herbicides have been tested. The goal of this work was to evaluate the potential of three herbicides as growth regulators on bahiagrass, and their influence on growth and chloroplast pigment content. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in split-plot scheme, with three herbicides (glyphosate, isoxaflutole and tembotrione) and five doses (0, 68, 136, 272, 544 g a.e. ha-1; 0, 24, 48, 96, 192 g a.i. ha-1 and 0, 13, 26, 52, 104 g a.i. ha-1), respectively, with four replications. The following characteristics were evaluated: phytointoxication, dry mass, grass height and chloroplast pigment content. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and, when significance was observed, the regression test was performed, up to the second degree, separately for each herbicide. Herbicides demonstrated effectiveness in controlling turf size; however, the phytotoxic effect was observed with the increase of the doses and a damage in the aesthetic aspect of the grass. Isoxaflutole has greater potential to be used as a growth reducer on bahiagrass, due to the low necessary dose to reduce height and to low phytointoxication. The content of chloroplast pigments is changed singularly for each used herbicide, and it has a direct relation with the dry mass of leaves

    The quest for universal health coverage: achieving social protection for all in Mexico

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    Mexico is reaching universal health coverage in 2012. A national health insurance programme called Seguro Popular, introduced in 2003, is providing access to a package of comprehensive health services with financial protection for more than 50 million Mexicans previously excluded from insurance. Universal coverage in Mexico is synonymous with social protection of health. This report analyses the road to universal coverage along three dimensions of protection: against health risks, for patients through quality assurance of health care, and against the financial consequences of disease and injury. We present a conceptual discussion of the transition from labour-based social security to social protection of health, which implies access to effective health care as a universal right based on citizenship, the ethical basis of the Mexican reform. We discuss the conditions that prompted the reform, as well as its design and inception, and we describe the 9-year, evidence-driven implementation process, including updates and improvements to the original programme. The core of the report concentrates on the effects and impacts of the reform, based on analysis of all published and publically available scientific literature and new data. Evidence indicates that Seguro Popular is improving access to health services and reducing the prevalence of catastrophic and impoverishing health expenditures, especially for the poor. Recent studies also show improvement in effective coverage. This research then addresses persistent challenges, including the need to translate financial resources into more effective, equitable and responsive health services. A next generation of reforms will be required and these include systemic measures to complete the reorganisation of the health system by functions. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the Mexican quest to achieve universal health coverage and its relevance for other low-income and middle-income countries

    Regional Manager

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    Broward, Collier, Dade, Glades, Highlands, Martin, Monroe, Palm Beach, St. Lucie

    The Future of Education: How AI is Revolutionizing the Classroom

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and education is no exception. AI-powered tools and technologies are being used to personalize learning, automate tasks, and provide students with more engaging and interactive experiences